Helping Small, Emerging Businesses of Color
How to Give
An Invitation to Give to our Community Investors
Join our initiative and make a community investment today to help provide opportunity funding for small and emerging businesses of color impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic harm caused by the civil unrest across the country amid continued racial inequity.
Click here for online giving, pledging or contact us to arrange invoicing.
Match BWC Capital’s commitment of $100,000 over five years towards this initiative and help meet the needs of businesses of color who qualify for 3-year, zero-interest patient capital infusion into their enterprise through the BWC Economic Development Infrastructure Fund (EDIF).
Why Give?
Communities of color continue to be disproportionately impacted by racial inequality and inequities. This reality and many barriers that support and promote such discrimination is now exacerbated by the lack of access to capital and further tightened credit markets during the ongoing COVID19 pandemic. BWC’s experience and track record of driving capital and investments into underserved communities provides us with the know-how in identifying businesses owned and led by people of color and effectively helping support these enterprises. By leveraging our experience and expertise, your investment will be multiplied via deliberate focus on economic inclusion, job creation, and business expansion.
Your dollars make a real difference as 100% of your contribution will be reinvested in the hardest hit communities of color.
The Time is NOW!
Solidarity Pledge
With a 15-year track record of delivering meaning impacts with a focus of expanding opportunities for people and communities of color, BWC Pledges to use your contribution as transformative capital that helps create transformational results..
Want to Invest?
Make a community investment today to help provide opportunity funding for small and emerging businesses of color.